What makes me...me?

Growing up in a family of doctors, I would observe my family using science to help solve people's problem. Though I knew early on that it was not my path, I found that I could use my strengths in empathy and creativity to help solve people's problems with design.  

Since then I have been designing products for over 10 years, helping companies of all sizes solve their users and business problems. I am a people person through and through. I love working collaboratively with people and designing thoughtful experiences for people. I am passionately curious about why people do what they do and what makes experiences memorable. I easily thrive in ambiguous environments, where there could be little known. Half the fun is figuring out the unknown after all! 




Senior Product Designer (2022 - 2024)


Senior Product Designer (2017 - 2022)


Product Designer (2016 - 2017)


UX Designer (2013 - 2016)


University of California, Irvine

B.S., Human Computer Interaction (2009 - 2013)

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